Create a High-End Experience with Eco-Friendly Product Boxes

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Are you looking for eco-friendly packaging options for your business? Check out our article about eco-friendly yet high-end product boxes!

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Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by Packoi Team

Customers are becoming more environmentally conscious about their purchases. They do not just buy sustainable products. Eco-friendly packaging is becoming a critical factor for them.

Thus, many businesses have shifted to using recyclable materials or biodegradable packaging. However, that makes it sound easy.

Eco-Friendly Product Boxes

Choosing eco-friendly product boxes while maintaining a high-end unboxing experience takes more than using certain materials. You have to consider the design, cost, and overall sustainability. 

If that sounds complex, don’t fret. Just keep reading, as this article enlightens you about all those factors, the benefits of sustainable packaging, and the steps to shifting to eco-friendly yet high-end boxes.

What Are the Strengths of Eco-Friendly Packaging?

There are many reasons you should opt for eco-friendly packaging for your business. Here are some of them:

1. Reduce Negative Impact on the Environment

Traditional or plastic packaging is very wasteful. First, it requires a lot of energy and non-renewable resources to produce, and the production process also emits a lot of harmful greenhouse gases. Then, when the product reaches the customer, the plastic packaging is almost always discarded.

Specifically, about 400 million tons of plastic waste is generated every year. Much of this is attributed to packaging, particularly single-use plastics.

What’s worse, the treated plastic packaging can’t degrade quickly, it will accumulate and cause harm to the environment.

As it accumulates, it leaches toxins into the ocean and land. Marine life can also choke on them or become entangled in them.

Over time, they also break down into microplastics. These can make their way to the water and food we eat. 

Fortunately, eco-friendly packaging options are designed to combat most of the troubles caused by traditional packaging.

For example, a sustainable packaging design requires less energy and utilizes renewable resources. As a result, it emits fewer greenhouse gases and reduces our environmental footprint.

2. Reflects Your Brand’s Values

Brands reflect their true values in everything they do, including their packaging. 

Thus, if you claim to be an environmentally conscious brand, you must prove it. That is, even your packaging has to use sustainable materials. 

A great example of a brand walking its talk is Allbirds. It’s an international footwear brand that uses sustainable and renewable resources, such as merino wool, to make shoes. 

Allbirds' packaging

As the environment is at the brand’s core, even Allbirds’ packaging practices are sustainable. For example, all of its shoeboxes are 90% made of recyclable cardboard. 

The boxes are multipurpose, serving as a bag and mailer. This reduces the use of more packaging that could’ve just become waste in the end.  

3. Secures and Expands Customer Base 

The market for many industries is highly competitive. Therefore, your brand image must stand out in nearly every aspect, including packaging, to attract customers.

One way to stand out is by implementing sustainable practices, such as eco-friendly packaging. It’s an excellent move in today’s society, where more and more customers are becoming environmentally conscious with their purchases

By showing consumers that your brand also values the environment, you encourage customers to remain loyal to you instead of switching to a sustainable competitor. Furthermore, you can attract new consumers searching for an eco-friendly brand. 

4. Reduces Costs 

There’s an impression that shifting to eco-friendly packaging makes a product cost more. That is not always true.

A well-designed packaging allows your business to reduce costs. Here’s how:

  • Eco-packaging uses less material. Most eco-friendly materials are small and made to fit the product. Thus, they utilize fewer raw materials. 
  • There is less wasted space. As the packaging is made to fit the material, there’s less space wasted. Thus, more products can be transported or stored at once, which reduces costs in the long run.
  • Easier and more cost-effective disposal. For companies using paper-based packaging, they can shred the used material. This reduces volume, making disposal easier and cheaper. 
  • The government may grant a tax subsidy. Depending on where your business is based, you may receive tax reductions for green initiatives. For instance, China gives partial to full value-added tax (VAT) reductions to companies that recycle resources to produce new products.

Additionally, more custom packaging companies are offering eco-friendly boxes at competitive prices. Therefore, you can choose a company that suits your budget, design, and goals. 

Eco-Friendly Packaging Examples

I’ve already given one example of a brand, Allbirds, that employs sustainable packaging. Here are more of them:

Numi Organic Tea

This company offers a wide array of 40 organic tea blends. These blends are wrapped in plant-based wrappers and are 100% compostable. 

Numi Organic Tea

Such compostable packaging technology took ten years to develop. It utilizes renewable resources like sugarcane and reduces carbon emissions and plastic use. Soy-based inks are also used for its labels.

Furthermore, Numi is an excellent example of how eco-friendly packaging and sustainable practices lead to reduced business costs. In 2008, they saved $78,500 after reusing materials, reducing packaging weight, and shifting to a more cost-effective paper mill.

Vegan Bunny

Vegan Bunny sells candles made only from natural and cruelty-free ingredients. It also aims to be plastic-free and carbon-neutral, so its packaging is sustainable.

In 2016, the company shifted from using glass jars to tins so they don’t have to use plastic to protect the candles. They also bulk buy their supplies locally and walk to drop off parcels to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Loving Earth 

Loving Earth packaging

Customers buy unique, sweet treats from Loving Earth. The company’s products include orange bonbons, caramel-filled chocolate truffles, and peppermint & aniseed superfood chocolate. 

From ingredients to packaging, these food products are sustainable. For instance, the company uses chemical-free and natural ingredients only.

Then, for the packaging, Loving Earth uses the following:

  • Compostable film made of corn and wood cellulose for the chocolates
  • Toxin-free chocolate boxes made from post-consumer fiber and vegetable inks  
  • Recycled paper cans for their Maca Powder and Drinking Chocolate products
  • Recyclable jars for their Nut Butter and Superfood products 


This international cereal company is best known for its pioneer product: cornflakes. Interestingly, the first Kellogg’s Corn Flakes boxes were made from recycled material.

Kellog's product box

Now, the company strives to be 100% sustainable by 2025. These are some of the initiatives it has already implemented to achieve such a goal:

  • Reducing cereal box size while maintaining the amount of cereal
  • Making the bag-in-box cereal packaging thinner 
  • Bulk shipping products in reusable bins 
  • Packing Bear Granola bars in recyclable pouches
  • Use only recycled-content paperboard cartons or corrugated cardboard for packaging materials

As of 2023, the company is still continuously researching and redesigning its packaging to achieve the 100% sustainable packaging goal for 2025. 

6 Steps for Creating Eco-Friendly Product Boxes

Moving away from conventional packaging to environmentally friendly product boxes can take time, effort, and money. However, it doesn’t have to be a drastic or abrupt change. 

Here are steps you can follow to make the transition easier for your business: 

1. Conduct Research

This article is a form of research already! You’re gathering information about eco-friendly packaging materials. 

But as comprehensive as I try to be, there’s no one-size-fits-all plan for sustainable packaging. Thus, you must conduct more research to know what’s best for your business.

For example, most people perceive paper-based packaging as eco-friendly. However, that type of packaging isn’t always best for all products.

shampoo packaging

What if you’re selling shampoo? In that case, you can’t put the liquid inside a typical paper bag or carton. 

Research will also allow you to predict costs and identify the best materials for your new green packaging. 

2. Design Your Product Box 

You’ll decide how the packaging will come out in the design stage. For instance, will you use a corrugated cardboard box or another material?

You’ll also have to consider your logo and branding. How will it reflect in your box? Do you have brand colors you want to stand out?

You must also decide on the dimensions. This will include the thickness of the box, its height and width, and even weight. 

It’s ideal to keep those dimensions to a minimum. The smaller the packaging is, the less material you’ll need. 

You can also consider making the product box multipurpose. For instance, some wine boxes are created with hole hand grips for easy transport. 

wine boxes packaging

Additionally, assess if your product needs some fillers or protective packaging. For instance, if you’re shipping glass, you may require bubble wrap. 

In that case, you’ll have to research beforehand for a protective yet sustainable material. For example, you may consider packing peanuts or corrugated bubble wrap. 

3. Order Samples from a Company

As much as possible, order from a company that provides samples, such as Packoi. This will allow you to see whether the packaging design you had in mind is functional, effective, and aesthetic.

If you have any changes you wish to make, it’s easier to implement them while you’re still sampling. Otherwise, the first batch of product boxes would be all to waste. 

While ordering samples, you should also inquire about the price of the boxes. Use the information to decide whether you should raise your selling price. 

4. Test the New Packaging

Once you have a product box sample you’re satisfied with, try testing them. That is, order just a few more and use them to pack your items. 

Then, ask for feedback from your employees or customers. Consider their evaluations as to whether you can push through with the new packaging, stick with the old, or make some design revisions. 

5. Refine and Implement New Product Boxes 

eco-friendly packaging

If you’ve decided to push through with the new packaging, you can proceed to refining and implementation.

Inform your box supplier of any minor changes. Then, order as many product boxes as you need.

Once they’re in your place, use them only after the old stock has run out. Otherwise, the old packaging would be put to waste, contrary to the goal of eco-friendly packaging.

6. Ensure Proper Disposal

You must also inform your customers of the proper way to dispose of the packaging. For instance, consumers should know whether they can add your product box to their compost pit.

The best way to inform consumers is through a label on the box. You can indicate if the packaging is recyclable, compostable, biodegradable, or need special disposal.  

Some companies also allow customers to return packaging to them, such as old bottles. If you do the same, you must set up a return and recycling process. 

How to Add “High-End” to Your Eco-Friendly Product Boxes Design

Designing eco-friendly boxes is tricky because it doesn’t end with how sustainable they are. 

You also have to consider the aesthetics and unboxing experience. Customers want to feel that every cent of their purchase was worth it. 

Thus, here’s how you can transform a simple, eco-friendly box into a high-end packaging for customers to savor:

1. Keep It Simple

You’ll notice a unifying theme if you look into the packaging design of high-end brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Tiffany, Bvlgari, and more.

They’ve all been keeping it simple. However, it isn’t plain simplicity. Instead, it’s elegant and sophisticated. 

Instead of crowding their packaging with visuals, these companies went with subtle details. For instance, Louis Vuitton’s Imperial Saffron packaging is just a combination of yellow and blue colors. 

Louis Vuitton's packaging

However, those colors are carefully chosen. Saffron yellow is iconic of LV, just as much as the robin egg blue color is associated with Tiffany. 

The blue ribbon also sharply contrasts the saffron, breaking the plainness of the design. Overall, the color choices evoke feelings of travel, as the yellow color was first used for an LV travel trunk to Africa.   

2. Make It Your Own

It’s crucial that your business’s branding is prominent across the packaging. For instance, Cartier’s packages are consistently red, as it is the brand’s known color. 

You can incorporate some old yet popular elements into your new eco-friendly boxes. For instance, if your old packaging has always been apple green, sticking with that color may be a good idea.

But you can also take this as a chance to reinvent yourself. Surprise your customers with a new, bold, yet positive impression. 

3. Opt for High-Quality Material 

Quality is one of the things that sets luxury brands apart from other businesses. Thus, you can’t skimp on material if you want to make your customers feel like you have a high-end brand. 

For instance, don’t pack your products in a simple, corrugated cardboard box. Have a box custom-made in your brand color, smooth and sleek texture, and your logo or brand name visible. 

corrugated cardboard box

Eco-Friendly Packaging in the Future

There is no doubt that the world of consumerism is moving towards a more sustainable future. More and more customers these days are opting for them. 

Thus, if you start packing with eco-friendly boxes now, you’re giving your brand a headstart. You also benefit from contributing to a positive environmental impact. 

However, it’s important to note that green packaging is a relatively new technology. Research is still being continuously conducted.

Thus, more eco-conscious alternatives could be presented in the future. Watch out for those; they’ll open up more packaging possibilities for your brand. 


The growing customer base of eco-conscious individuals means there is an imminent need to adopt eco-friendly packaging.  

You can give your brand a headstart by adopting green packaging now. You’ll enjoy benefits besides attracting customers, like reduced overall costs.

Furthermore, sustainable luxury packaging is easy to implement, especially if you partner with us!

Discover the Perfect Solution for Your Business with Packoi

As you convert to eco-friendly packaging solutions, you’ll need a trustworthy and expert partner to work with. Fortunately, you don’t have to look much further.

Here at Packoi, we’re eager to help you find sustainable packaging solutions that reflect your brand and maintain a high-end experience for your customers. Even as you start from scratch with your design, we can still aid you with our Get Design Service.

Thus, you don’t have to detract yourself from your business operations just to brainstorm a design. We can do that for you, and you simply have to approve our proposal. Then, we can move forward to creating your premium packaging.

Request Free Quote Now!

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Hey there, I’m Shelly!

I really enjoy the packaging and printing industry because my work makes my clients’ products more beautiful and enjoyable. If you have any questions about packaging and printing, feel free to contact me!

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