5 Benefits of Using Packaging Inserts (And Their Role In Boosting Customer Loyalty)

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Custom packaging inserts are a cost-effective way of promoting your brand. These custom inserts aren’t just additional elements to your product. It can encourage your customer to make more purchases. But apart from that, using packaging inserts can help strengthen customer loyalty.

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Last Updated on May 31, 2023 by Packoi Team

Read on if you want to know more about creating the best custom box or insert to increase your sales. This article will discuss the benefits of using these custom inserts to boost customer and brand loyalty.

What are Packaging Inserts?

a pink small gift box

Packaging inserts are anything you put inside a package that’s not part of the product. It could be a small gift, a brochure, a note – anything that’ll help you connect with your customers.

Why do you have to add these?

Packaging plays a vital role in any business. Everything in it can promote your brand – including custom inserts.

Even small businesses shouldn’t ignore the potential of these inserts to win over customers.

When done correctly, custom box inserts increase sales. It’s not just about the number of customers. You’ll get more transactions per customer if they get the correct custom box inserts.

When products arrive in custom boxes, the recipient usually feels pleased and excited as they open them. When they see the custom box inserts included in the package, they’ll look at it with a happy and positive feeling.

After reading the contents, there’s a high chance that they’ll be encouraged to do whatever you tell them – like leaving a positive review or buying another product.

If the insert is a discount offer to save money on their next purchase, they’ll be encouraged to buy more.

But there’s more to custom box inserts that’ll help grow your business.

5 Benefits of Using A Packaging Insert

Custom inserts bring many benefits to your brand. Creating highly effective custom box inserts can grow your business. Ensure you know how to add significant value to your packaging inserts to get the maximum benefits.

a eco-friendly gift box

If you want to blow away every customer, impress them with everything they’ll find with the product they bought.

Here are some ways custom inserts can help you influence customers and their buying decisions.

Physical Connection

Custom packaging inserts can help customers feel good about your brand.

How? Custom box inserts are physical manifestations of your free offer. Whether it’s a discount, new product information, tips, and guides to help them use your product correctly – these are all gifts.

It wasn’t part of what the customer purchased. But you still included something extra in the product packaging. That puts you in a positive light.

Custom inserts are a fantastic way to establish a physical connection with your target market. It can help keep you on top of their minds.


Packaging inserts are an excellent tool for communicating critical information. Education can help your target audience understand your product better. If they know more, they’ll better understand how it can improve their lives.

If you want to help a customer use your product correctly, custom inserts are the way to educate them about them.

Or, if you want customers to know your brand story, use custom packaging inserts to spread awareness about what you do. Share your values so they’ll feel aligned with your company. If your story resonates with them, that can stir feelings of loyalty.

It’s always good to be generous with the information you’ll share with your market. 

When they know how to use your products well, it’ll give them the best results. That’ll impress them and make them want to buy more from your company.

a couple are reading the guide

Customer Engagement

Custom inserts are also affordable to keep your customers engaged with your brand. Make them post something on their social media platforms. Give incentives so the customer would want to participate.

It could be a part of a game that current customers can join. Or it could help them get access to incredible discounts.

If you promote engagement even on social media, you can add depth to every customer experience. Make the activities fun and rewarding for them.

The more they participate, the more exposure you will get.

Higher Conversions

Another benefit to using packaging inserts is getting more customers. One example is the social media engagement you can initiate through custom inserts.

By creating a buzz online, you can attract the attention of other customers. You can make it highly targeted – even more than any email marketing effort that you’ll make.

The noise will be good for your brand.

But that’s not all that you can do. If you put the right inserts in your custom boxes, you can convince the customer to stay loyal to you. It’s all about creating the right content to resonate with your market.

a simple insert gift box

Additional Marketing Tool

Low-cost packaging inserts are an effective marketing tool. If you want proof, it comes in two words.

Repeat business.

Custom box inserts can showcase new products and other brand offers that convince customers to buy. The product packaging insert can include educational content highlighting another item from your brand. It’s like you’re telling the customer that if they want to get the best results from their purchase, they have to get this other item.

Custom inserts can contain any information that you want to share. So use it to create marketing inserts that can help increase your sales.

7 Ways Custom Packaging Inserts Boost Customer Loyalty

Custom inserts are great at winning over potential customers. But it gets better. You can also use it to encourage your customers to stick to your brand.

These inserts can increase the brand loyalty of every customer.

a woman are covering the gift box

Here are seven ways custom inserts can turn every customer into recurring ones.

Tips And Guides

If a customer gets the best results for their purchase, how do you think they’ll react? They’ll want to get more of your product.

This is why turning your packaging inserts into a how-to guide is beneficial. You’re giving the customer more value by educating them. If they have fragile items, teach them how to care for them properly. 

By providing them with other details about the product, you’re increasing their ability to appreciate it – and maybe buy more next time.

Promo And Discount Offers 

Discount codes are always a good thing for any customer. So if you want to impress your market with your box inserts, give them special discounts.

Things like free shipping or a percentage discount will make anyone happy.

A discount code in your packing inserts can encourage repeat purchases. That’s a direct way of increasing your sales. Not to mention that your generosity will increase their loyalty toward you.

Promo And Discount Offers 

New Product Samples

If you have new product lines that you want to promote, you can give a free sample to your customers. These can be put as packaging inserts when you send a purchased product to them.

The idea is to make them use the sample to encourage them to make additional purchases. Or they can share the sample with their family and friends.

That’s an awesome way to increase your sales – specifically your new product.

Free Gifts

Apart from free samples, you can also send small gifts to your customers. It doesn’t have to be a part of your product offer. But it could be something that’ll help them have a better experience when they use your product.

Like if they bought a water bottle, you can probably send a tote bag where they can put it. Or if your brand is into health and fitness, your target customer is probably someone who frequently exercises. So as an added value, you can put something they can use while exercising into the custom boxes.

Free Gifts

Personalized Notes

You may not know your customer personally, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t like to receive personalized notes from you.

If you put a handwritten note with an inspiring quote for your customers, it’s a gesture that says you care about them. You give enough time for each one to write a message by hand.

That’s one of the best packaging inserts you can give to get their loyalty.

Review Requests

Your packaging insert can also be a note to request feedback on social media. Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your company on their accounts.

This is a great way to see if you’ve met your customer’s expectations. It’ll allow you to improve and win their loyalty.

Not only that but by sharing the customer’s experience, you can collect valuable social proof about your company. You can get more people to try your products.

Review Requests

Return Slips

Have you ever considered using return slips or warranties as custom box inserts? It’s a powerful way to make your customers feel that you genuinely care about their satisfaction. If you make a mistake with the product, they know you can make amends to ensure they only get the best from you.

That’ll surely win over their loyalty to your brand.

Ensure you give the customer the details they need in the product packaging inserts, including the shipping costs.

Important Considerations When Creating Custom Inserts

When deciding what to put in your custom inserts, you must consider a couple of things.

First of all, think about your brand. This is still one of the branding materials you’ll put in your custom boxes. Make sure it represents you well. That doesn’t just mean putting your company logo on it. The text, font, colors, and graphics should reflect your branding.

Important Considerations

Second, keep things simple. Your customers are probably excited to get the product they just received. They probably don’t want to spend much time reading your custom inserts with lengthy details about the shipping costs, the warranties, or how to register for something.

Ensure the customer can get your message even if they glance at the packaging insert.

Do You Want to Add Packaging Inserts to Your Products? Packoi Printing Can Make It Happen.

Adding custom inserts to products you send your customers is an effective strategy to win their loyalty. Of course, that can only happen if you use packaging to insert ideas that resonate with your market.

Otherwise, it might just end up in the trash.

Don’t waste that opportunity.

We at Packoi Printing can help you create suitable inserts to capture the recipient’s attention.

Let’s talk about your ideas so we can print them for you. Call us with the details, and we’ll give you a fair quote.

Request Free Quote Now!

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Hey there, I’m Shelly!

I really enjoy the packaging and printing industry because my work makes my clients’ products more beautiful and enjoyable. If you have any questions about packaging and printing, feel free to contact me!

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